First we can consider and list all the things that make us feel GOOD - yes, there's nothing wrong with that, we were put here to feel it all....and unfortunately many of us get stuck in the "feeling bad" space is the one where we REALLY feel. We have to ask - when did we decide that pain is the way to go for us? Yes, we can and do and can choose to feel pain and yuch (we're human) but at the same time, and even more of the time, we need to focus on the feeling good pieces of our experiences.
I knew a guy when I was around 20 - whenever you asked him - David, how are you, his response was always - I feel great, fantastic etc etc! I always thought he was full of shit. Because the world I knew was much more comfortable with pain and trauma and drama. I knew that, I understood how to communicate with people in that space, but when someone threw in the - I'm great - I instantly thought they were lying! Wow, what a change.
Notice what happens when you start noticing the good things, the blessings, the kindnesses, the joys. And notice how much of your time is spent on them, vs the stuff that is icky (yes, I'm a Minnesota girl - we say icky).
Any surprises?
More on this later.....